Dr. Aziza C. Jones
Assistant Marketing Professor at the Wisconsin School of Business
Jeffrey J. Diermeier Faculty Fellow
University of Wisconsin—Madison

Research Interests
Dr. Jones's research broadly studies inequity. More specifically, she investigates how perceived social status, social mobility, and social inequality influence consumer behavior.
Kalinda Ukanwa, Aziza C. Jones, and Broderick L. Turner (equal authorship; 2022), “School Choice Increases Racial Segregation Even When Parents do not Care about Race.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119 (35) e2117979119. Accessible here. In press at the Public Health Post.
Bublitz, Melissa G., Jesse Catlin, Aziza C. Jones, Lama Lteif, and Laura A. Peracchio (2023), “Plant Power: SEEDing our Future with Plant-Based Eating.” Journal of Consumer Psychology. Accessible here.
Ordabayeva, Nailya, Monika Lisjak, and Aziza C. Jones (2021), “How Social Perceptions Influence Consumption for Self, for Others, and Within the Broader System.” Current Opinion in Psychology, 43 (February), 30-35. Accessible here.
Jones, Aziza C., Kristina M. Durante and Vladas Griskevicius (2019), “An Evolutionary Approach to Identity Research,” in The Handbook of Research on Identity Theory in Marketing, ed. Americus Reed II and Mark Forehand, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 57-71. Accessible here.
Working Papers
Jones, Aziza C., Aparna Labroo, and Kristina M. Durante, “Willpower as a Signal of High Socioeconomic Status in Meritocratic Societies,” Under review at the Journal of Consumer Research.
Jones, Aziza C., Nailya Ordabayeva, and Rajiv Vaidyanathan, “Requests to Donate from High-Status Advocates Decrease Charitable Compliance.” Preparing manuscript for the Journal of Marketing Research.
Jones, Aziza C., Broderick L. Turner, and Kalinda Ukanwa (equal authorship), “Marketing Schools Toward Desegregation.” Five studies completed. Preparing manuscript for the Journal of Marketing.
Selected Work In Progress
Jones, Aziza C. and Erick Mas (equal authorship), “Earned Luck: The Role of Economic System Justification in Conservative Optimism within Chance-Based Contexts.” Two studies completed.
Song, Yuanming* and Aziza C. Jones (*graduate student), “Childhood socioeconomic status and self-control.” Conceptualization stage.